An experiment in blogging

I have found another way to make money with a paid to post type of blogging opportunity. I was curious so I signed up. Now my loyal readers know that if my experiments in blogging or finding out that companies are rip offs I will report it here. So I am going to be up front and tell you right now that this post is my first "assignment" from Bloggerwave. I don't get credits if you sign up from my link but I am suppose to get $10.00 if they approve this post. If you are interested in this newer company then go to the home page and click on the FAQ link at the bottom of the page - I did. I found out most of my questions were answered except 2 of them. How do I get paid and when? I figured I have nothing to loose except the time it cost me to type this post in and I might end up with a really nice company to deal with in the end. I'll keep you posted on what happens next.


LINKS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR NON-PAYMENT OF POST This post was an attempt at earning money thru Bloggerwave and failed. No payment received as of 1-15-08


Jan said...

This post got approved. It only took 3 days! I have not been paid for it yet and no word as to when it will happen. I will give it until December 4th or 5th to see if I get any word about payment. If now word then I will remove the post. I don't believe that my written work should go unrewarded and that Bloggerwave get a free ride with advertising. We will see.

Sophiesknitstuff said...

Some "get paid for Blogging" websites pay you after you have earned a certain amount (like $100), and some pay you at the end of the following month (that would be end of December for you). I have earned $2 from Blogvertise, the company I wrote the post on paid me after one month on my Paypal account so I know this is legitimate but I have not received any more requests to write posts, maybe because my blog is too new!
When my blog is 3 months old, I will need to check more of these websites.

Jan said...

I already blog for Blogvertise. I have been with them for over a year now. I think I have earned about $60.00 in the past 9 months. I get about $3 to $10 a week from them now. Not much but this blog is fairly new.