Paid to blog site to stay away from

I was looking for another website that pays bloggers to post articles on their blog. I have found a few but I have also found one that I feel I should warn you about. It is they pay you only 70% (what ever that is) of the actual payout. But that was not got me up in arms. Before I sign on with anyone I AWAYS read the TOS or Terms of Service agreement. This one had the nice "we own the copyright to your work" that statement was enough to turn me off. I OWN MY OWN WORK and nobody else. All writers should know the copyrite laws and not sign over anything to anyone else without due compensation (read here BIG bucks). Please do yourself a favor and don't short sell yourself for a few dollars when down the road you could become famous and find out you don't even own your own words on your blog!

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