Leaving bad feedback on eBay

When I buy things on eBay, which is not as often as it use to be, I always left honest feedback. I rarely, if ever, left negative feedback, but tonight I left neutral feedback. Now if you are a seller on eBay, you would know that your buyers do read your feedback.

The feedback I left was "item broke after a few hours of use." It was a brand new laptop charger and it overheated and stopped working. Since I got it for a cheap price I am not worried about getting my money back but the seller will lose buyers, which will cost them in the long run. I admit that I should have read their feedback before I bought the item. They had a 99.2% positive rating but I failed to see that they had over 300 negative and neutral feedbacks in the last 30 days.

Now if the item was advertised as used or "as is" then I take the gamble. If the item is a collectors item or a custom made item then I am more careful. I also try to look out for fakes like counterfeit cell phones or fake bella bracelets. Granted, eBay has always been a buyer beware website but most of the time I have gotten some great deals on there. I guess most of the great sellers have moved on to other selling venues now.

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