There is currently a Craigslist job listing for Writer Needed.
Here is the ad:
Our magazine is looking for Writers -- Freelance -- to write stories about people who are role models in Oregon communities. To see what we are about, Visit our web magazine at the Following Hyperlink ...
If You Like What You See and Want to Write for Us, You Should Either Email Us at -- -- or Use "Contact Us" at the Website.
Because We Work in the Virtual World You Can Live Anywhere in Oregon. However, Because We Sometimes Assign Articles Based on Your Proximity, It Is Very Important That You Specify In the Body of Your E-Mail Response The Metropolitan Area You Live Closest to.
I Hope to Hear From You ASAP,
Alex N Scandalios
Winners Within Us, Inc.
Since I am always on the look out for opportunities, I checked out the website which was ho-hum and it was not clear what it was aimed at and then Googled the guys name.
Now the fun part begins. I found out that he has ads in every state and pretends to be local, in that state. Several bloggers have written about the website being nothing more than content farm so Alex can make money from the ads. Hey, isn't that what magazines do? I think that they were complaining about was that there is no pay for the articles. But that was not all I found.
It seems that Alex has an interesting background, including claiming to be a real estate agent when he is not. Below is what I found in the Oregon Real Estate News-Journal April 2010
Scandalios, Alex N. (Corvallis) Broker
Stipulated order dated January 25, 2010.
Scandalios advertised property for sale on without the permission of one of the owners to do so; Scandalios failed to file the required form with the Agency identifying the existence of and authorizing the Commissioner to examine client trust accounts; Scandalios used an unregistered name, CyberFarm, in his e-mail advertising; Scandalios stated that he was associated with Coldwell Banker, but he has never been licensed with Coldwell Banker; Scandalios advertised on using an incomplete licensed name; and Scandalios failed to place a sign at his designated place of business.
Violations: ORS 696.200(1), 696.241(2)
and (3), 696.301(1); OAR 863-015-0125
(2)(b) and (e), and (3)(a)
So then I Googled "CyberFarm Scandalios" and boy is this guy busy. He has CyberFarm all over the place with different addresses and it is even mentioned as a listing in Spain.
So a word to the wise, investigate before you apply for work of any type if you see the opening online.
Alex Scandalios "Publisher/CEO" of Winners Within Us, Inc. has been posting ads on Craigslist recently in every state requesting web developers/programers & designers to work, for pay, on the website. In each of the ads he personalizes it to the city/state stating that he is looking for people in the city specifically. To date he has posted 20 ads in different city/states. I responded to one of the first ads and received an email asking me to evaluate the website and give specific ideas on how to improve the site. Essentially, he wanted a free evaluation of his site, which is fine I guess, but it is something I do not do. I still responed to the email stating that there are many areas of the website that could be improved. He then, and this is where is gets weird, sent me back an extremely rude email with the subject line "you are no good." In the email he stated that because I did not answer the questions specifically that I will not be employed. Then within 2 minutes of receiving the rude email he re-sent the first email asking me to evaluate the website. I am glad that this blog was started to warn others.
Actually, Alex is a Real Estate agent and property manager. I work as a loan officer in the Corvallis area and have assisted Alex and his clients on several Real Estate transactions. I would recommend that people do their homework before calling a person or company "fraudulent". Searching on google is NOT doing enough research to make those types of claims. If you have not worked with the individual personally or know someone who has then you have no right to make any statements regarding that persons character. I can guarantee that, if you have done enough business to show on a search engine that you will have negative comments as well as positive ones. Do your homework efficiently. The original post regarding Alex is slanderous and based on one lazy persons brief internet search. If you believe everything on the internet then you are as ignorant as the original poster.
To the second "anonymous" poster - I am not calling Alex a fraudulent real estate agent just a fraud when it comes to soliciting people for article writing. Please read my post before you comment. Then again, maybe you are Alex. By the way a Google search is how most corporations filter out people when hiring. Maybe YOU should do some homework. He was charged by the state of OR for operating without a license (see the post). You can find out more if you do some checking yourself.
According to, Alex did not obtain a Principal Broker's license until March of 2012. This would explain both view points. He didn't have a license in 2010 when he was accused of practicing without a license and was reprimanded for that. Apparently he was given a license after you wrote the first comment and before the loan officer posted. Therefore, both of you were quoting accurate information from the time of each individual's post regarding his licensure status, as far as I can tell. Although I would agree that it is always a good idea to look up anything that seems "to good to be true", because it usually is.
The second Anonymous person should mention who they are so we can fact check that they are really a loan officer in the Corvallis area. Otherwise, how are we to just take your word for it that Alex Scandalios is who you say he is? You see....I don't believe everything I read on the internet.
I just saw his "Winners Within Us" writers wanted ad on craigslist and thought I'd do a little research before responding. Sounds like the guys last name fits.
Just sent my application and got a response from him. He told me that his website has been "dormant" for 4 years because of some "personal" problems he needed to attend.
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