When you start blogging for money you join one of the dozen getting paid for blogging companies there are online. I won't bother mentioning those company names because many of them last only a year or 2 then go under only to be replaced by another one.
Often those smaller companies cater to low budget advertisers that want bloggers to write about gambling, best weight loss supplements, payday loans and other not so glamorous companies and websites. If you are smart and are getting nothing but offers for gambling, diets or loans then just start a few blogs that are devoted to those subjects. Your readers will not get upset if you have a diet blog and do several blog posts dedicated to reviewing types of diet pills. Your readers would get upset if you have a mommy blog and you have blog posts about gambling or payday loans sprinkled in with day care dos and don'ts.
A successful money blogger will stay on subject with their blog and be picky about the subjects they are asked to write about. After awhile a successful blogger doesn't have work for those companies as Google Adsense will often pay more in the long run.
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