Can you make money using online affiliate programs? You can but the real trick to making money with them is having targeted traffic. It is pretty useless to slap banner ads that are from affiliates all over your website or blog unless you have huge amounts of traffic. What you have to do is talk (write) to your readers about a product, service or item. You are in fact the salesperson. If you cannot do that or you just don't have the knack of how to do that then leave affiliate programs alone until your website or blog gets huge amounts of traffic. Then just slap those banners all over the place. At the same time keep your fingers crossed that at least .01% of your visitors will click on an ad and buy something.
As I mentioned, having targeted traffic is the clue. If you have a car website then just partner yourself with an affiliate program that has lots of car parts, or after market car accessories. Showcase those products on your pages in the form of projects and then have the ads for where your readers can get the parts. You are more likely to make money that way than just slapping an ad on your site.
Affiliate marketing works but you have to WORK at it to make money from them.
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